07 December 2020
Dear all,
As your new board, we sincerely want to thank you for your trust and your encouraging words at the AGM. We are full of energy to serve our great club in the coming months.
It goes without saying that we will do everything to lead our club through the current COVID-crisis. So far, we have taken all necessary steps, and no doubt, after this second lockdown, we will rise again, even greater and even smarter and even funnier than we have been before.
The following period, our leading principle will remain. The board is not the center of our universe, you - our members and volunteers - are. As a board, we will do everything to support our teams of volunteers. They are the ones that make things happen every day. They deserve the support and the credits.
And as mentioned at the AGM, calls will soon be launched to help us with more exciting things we have in our heads.
We do not only need your help, we also need and welcome all of your ideas. Do you have a great theme in mind for a megasession? Have you come across an interesting Sportshall in Brussels where you might see us giving sessions in the future? Or have you had this one crazy idea in mind for a while now that you could see Friskis doing, but have never dared to share? Well, this is the time. Giving your feedback will help us improve and grow. This is a warm call to have your say. Participation does not end with an AGM. Feel free to contact us with all questions, concerns and ideas. Just mail us at info@friskis.be. We will be delighted to read your suggestions, with our mission in mind. More sweat. More fun. More glory.
Caroline, Anne Laure & Jeroen
The Board
Friskis&Svettis Brussels